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Presented by Dr Claire Wilkin Presentation Synopsis: The top three Paediatric respiratory complain...
Presented by Professor Stephen Bernard Presentation Synopsis: Most victims of acute traumatic SCI...
Presented by Julie Hughes Presentation Synopsis: A presentation on the paramedic led High Acuity R...
Presented by Bree Bulle Bio: Midwife, RN, CCRN, Grad Dip Health Education, Master of Education Br...
Presented by Paul Gowens Presentation Synopsis: Paul will share his experience of leadership and...
Presented by Tony Walker ASM Critical Care Paramedic...
Presented by Nathan Stam The forensic analysis of herion-related deaths: evaluating the safety of n...
The Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) updated many of its guidelines....
Presented by Ben Meadley, MICA Flight Paramedic with Ambulance Victoria Ben Meadley is an intensive...
Presented by Ben Meadley, MICA Flight Paramedic with Ambulance Victoria Ben Meadley is an intensive...