The College provides members with hundreds of free recordings to assist you with professional development. You can filter and search for recordings of interest, plus “like” recordings so you can find them easily in the future.
All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.
Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.
This recorded webinar explores the St John WA clinical hub’s pivotal role in supporting clinicians, optimising patient outcomes, and enhancing operational efficiency.
This session will revolve around the use of various chemical sedative agents and compare their use against a variety of clinical settings
This informative session will support paramedics to develop a family violence lens to recognise family violence, and to respond safely and effectively to improve outcomes for those at risk.
This session discusses the recognition of these circumstances and how best to minimise their impact via self-reflection and self-awareness.
This panel discussion will explore aspects of pharmacology, both theoretical and practical, that paramedics need to be doing better.
In this webinar, we are joined by Robert Lasslett who interviews Robert Simpson and Lily Lucent regarding all things analgesia
This presentation will delve into how decisions are best documented in the PCR
ACPIC 2020: This presentation briefly discusses the challenges of the application process from a paramedic perspective, the benefits of dual skills, and the challenges of working as a paramedic crew medical officer in an extreme environment such as future Mars missions.
Pre-hospital mass casualty response – are you prepared? Brian Parsell, Chief Inspector – Duty Operations Manager with New South Wales Ambulance Service to discuss pre-hospital mass casualty response. Brian has a wealth of experience and has worked with NSW Ambulance for the past 30 years as an Intensive Care Paramedic and Operational Commander.
The webinar will cover the roles and responsibilities of London Ambulance Service (LAS) staff during COVID, how COVID evolved and how this impacted patient care and lessons learnt from the pandemic.