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Presented by Dr Rosie Dwyer Australia’s population, like that of other high-income countries, is ageing...
Presented by Michelle Price Falls are consistently the largest category for calling an Ambulance...
Presented by Associate Professor Stephen Gough ASM The paramedic profession has seen monumental change...
Presented by Dr Ruth Townsend Paramedics have variously been referred to as 'Heroes'...
Presented by Christopher Wildey A 25-year-old woman who is 30 weeks pregnant presents to...
Presented by Tim Andrews Review of the immediate clinical assessment and...
Presented by Belinda Flanagan The third stage of labour is defined as the moment the baby is born...
Presented by Associate Professor Jason Bendall In the early 2000s there was a focus in the UK on redesigning...
Presented by Dr Tony Smith Paramedics have traditionally not been involved in helping provide palliative care...
Presented by Associate Professor David Wampler Field spinal immobilization has long been standard practice for