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Presented by Matthew Meister Discussion of pre hospital trauma care in major trauma settings with...
Presented by Dr Natalie Fonda This presentation explores how communication breakdown in the prima...
Presented by Michelle Price Falls are consistently the largest category for calling an Ambulance...
Presented by Associate Professor Stephen Gough ASM The paramedic profession has seen monumental change...
Ambulance Victoria has produced a series of instructional infection control videos for its staff. Video topics include hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), fitting a mask and vehicle cleaning and decontamination.
Discussion about ACP and Monash University collaboration
Field experts presenting on performing under pressure, and on triage and management
Let’s unpack some of the latest research to help guide our clinical practice to better understand the presentation/phenotypes, who is at risk of poor outcomes, and who surprisingly does well!
In this session Ant discusses freediving, performing under pressure and understanding your disaster response
Louise and Nigel answers questions submitted by prospective grant applicants and provide expert guidance on your submission.