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Presented by Daniel Ohs St John New Zealand’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) model has e...
Presented by Stephen Gough at ANZCP Conference 2014
Presented by David Dutton at ANZCP Conference 2014
Dr Paul Simpson (Chair) Dr Paul Simpson is Director of Academic Program for Paramedicine at Western...
Presented by Michelle Murphy Presentation Synopsis: The aim of this study was to compare Victorian...
Presented by Associate Professor Stephen Gough ASM The paramedic profession has seen monumental change...
This presentation brings together ANZCP Chair, Marty Nichols, and Associate Professor Stephen Gough ASM, Chair of the Paramedicine Board of Australia...
Dr Paul Simpson presents on the emergence of the Australasian Council of Paramedicine Deans.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the paramedic response to it, has raised a raft of legal, ethical and professionalism questions for paramedic clinicians and managers.
A panelist of academics from several Australian and New Zealand universities discuss the impact of Covid19 on paramedic students.