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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Presented by Mark Dobson Over the past 5 years FRNSW has moved the focus if it's mental health prog...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Allan Sparks, CV, OAM Best-selling Author, Corporate Speaker, an International Yacht...

  • 45 minutes

Presented by Tim Peck The beyondblue First Responders Program (FRP) aims to promote the mental heal...

  • 35 minutes

Presented by Jordan Emery The presentation will reflect on the personal journey of Jordan in his sh...

  • 35 minutes

Presented by Lisa Holmes Despite there being Paramedic Professional Competency Standards that rel...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by David Dutton at ANZCP Conference 2014

  • 25 minutes
Survive & Thrive 1 - 2016
  • Released: 29-04-2016

Welcome to Survive & Thrive 1 - 2016 Topics included are as follows: Creat...

  • 355 minutes
Emergency Tasmania 2016
  • Released: 12-04-2016

This conferences discusses the following topics: Cardiac arrest systems &...

  • 432 minutes

Care of the Shark bite victim: ED reception and care on the wards Presented by Kate Dale Nurse P...

  • 20 minutes
Dealing with major wounds
  • Released: 08-04-2016

Presented by Associate Professor Martin Wullschleger Swiss and Australian qualified General and T...

  • 40 minutes