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This recorded webinar discusses how to approach decision making with paediatric respiratory emergencies.
This panel discussion will review various approaches to performing Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) and the medication choices pre and post RSI.
ACPIC 2020: In 2019, Trent, a 30 year old supervisor for bulk earthworks in a quarry, was crushed between a huge wheel and chassis of a large truck 80km south east of Melbourne. Michaela Malcolm presents on the pre hospital management, and Dr John Moloney, Head of Trauma Anaesthesia, talks about the in hospital care of Trent.
Paediatric Respiratory Emergencies and Pre-Hospital Decision Making for Paramedics. This session looks at the common paediatric presentations of noisy breathing and explores, via a diagnostic reasoning format, how to decipher which patients have what diagnosis.
The Safe Airway Society, COVID-19, and Airway Management: Safe, Simple, Familiar, Reliable and Robust Practices
Nick Roder of Air Ambulance Victoria takes us through the role of PEEP and End-tidal monitoring in the pre-hospital setting
Welcome to Critical care and advanced airway procedures - Part 1 This...
Emergency Services Show 2017. This session aims to introduce an International perspective on the evidence for Intubation by paramedics.
National Conference 2016: Integrating advanced skills into paramedic led air ambulance units