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This recorded webinar discusses current practice and research in to pain recognition and management.

  • 52 minutes

This recorded webinar discusses current hip fracture assessment research, techniques, and reasoning.

  • 55 minutes

This recorded webinar discusses how pain is experienced differently by each patient and how this impacts care.

  • 55 minutes
ACPIC 2020: Cases around the world: Sentinel Event – IV Adrenaline instead of Morphine
  • Released: 09-02-2021
  • Andrew Keenan, Paul Misasi & Howard Wren

ACPIC20 - The panel will be given a fictional case study prior to the conference and the two services will provide an outline of how they would manage the case based on protocols in the location they are working.

  • 45 minutes

This session will discuss pre-hospital paediatric pain management, from distraction to Intranasal Fentanyl and everything inbetween. Joe recently teamed up with fellow Don't Forget The Bubbles (DFTB) team member Dr Dani Hall to publish a well-cited blog on Pre-hospital Analgesia in Paediatrics.

  • 60 minutes

Are we maximising pain relief or just taking what we have for granted? Modern medicine dictates that pain and distress should not be endured, yet are we doing all we can in the out of hospital health arena?

  • 32 minutes

National Conference 2018. This session discusses fast pain relief for hip fracture: a study with paramedics.

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Associate Professor Bill Lord Pain is a frequent complaint among patients who utilise...

  • 40 minutes

Julia Williams talks about this research on exploring factors increasing paramedics likelihood of administering analgesia in pre-hospital pain: a cross-sectional study.

  • 23 minutes

Presented by Associate Professor Bill Lord at ANZCP Conference 2014

  • 25 minutes