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Dr. Kerry Hogged discussing Street Drugs
Dr David Fahey, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal North Shore Assistant Commissioner (Clinical) – St J...
Dr. Chris Armstrong discussing all about non-traumatic abdominal pain
Topics included are as follows: Future of Paramedicine Consciousness in...
Presented by Chris Wildey, RN & Midwife with NSWA Chris' presentation will cover bleeding disor...
Mr. Michael Lee presents his 2015 Fabric Scholarship journey.
Welcome to The Slippery Slope: Managing the Deteriorating Patient
Presented by Malcolm Lau Presentation Synopsis: Using a case study Malcolm will review the managem...
Presented by Shaun Whitmore Presentation Synopsis: Paediatric cases, particularly trauma case type...
Presented by Dr John Cheek Presentation Synopsis: ""Paediatric congenital cardiac disease"" is a c...