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Participants (n=183) completed an anonymous survey. Results indicate women working in paramedicine experience adverse effects because of their menstrual cycle.
This research investigated how paramedics navigate conveyance decisions using constructivist grounded theory.
This presentation focuses on a point-of-care high-sensitivity troponin assay
In this session we hear from four presenters on Workforce Futures, followed by a panel discussion.
During this session we will hear three presentations surrounding Controversies in Prehospital Critical Care
This series is called Climate Change, Public Health and Paramedicine and aims to stimulate conversation and consideration of the practical impacts of climate change for paramedics
This session aims to allow conference attendees to ask the questions that have been unanswered throughout the conference
This is a call to action: to break free from the limitations imposed by employers, governments, and public misconceptions, and ensure that paramedicine is understood, respected, and clinician-led.
In this session we hear from four experts on sedation. Following their presentations, the presenters will contribute to a panel discussion, focusing on sedation in paramedic practice
This study examines the prehospital paediatric emergency care burden in the Western Cape, South Africa.