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The College provides a range of publications to provide information on all aspects of your paramedic career. From our research based Paramedicine journal, to our quarterly magazine Response, and monthly and weekly eNewsletters, we aim to include information that is pertinent to paramedics across Australasia.


Rapid Response is the College’s monthly eNewsletter providing current and important information from the College. Along with The Pulse, our fortnightly member eNewsletter, these are designed to keep our members informed on current events and opportunities.

Response Magazine

RESPONSE magazine is the official voice of the College and is the only non-commercial publication for paramedics in Australasia produced by a not-for-profit member organisation.

Paramedicine Journal

Paramedicine is the official journal of the Australasian College of Paramedicine. This is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for the dissemination and discussion of paramedicine research.


Paramedicine is the official journal of the Australasian College of Paramedicine and the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada. This peer-reviewed journal, launched in February 2023, provides an international forum for the dissemination and discussion of paramedicine research.

Paramedicine's purpose is to empower our profession, advancing and transforming the discipline of paramedicine through high-quality evidence and inspiring robust discussion.

Paramedicine aims to create a connected discourse that spans paradigms, methodologies, and methods for the advancement of the profession, the public it serves, the systems it connects to, and the people tasked with enacting that service.


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RESPONSE publishes content of direct relevance to paramedic and emergency medical care including clinical updates, legal matters, mental health and wellbeing, profiles, research abstracts, industry updates and developments in education and training, local and world news and reviews.

RESPONSE is published quarterly and distributed electronically to all members throughout Australia and New Zealand as part of their membership. To view Response, login to your account or become a member.

Member eNewsletter

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Rapid Response

Rapid Response is the College’s monthly member eNewsletter providing current and important information and highlights from College activities, general news, world news and opportunities for paramedics. Rapid Response is delivered to the inbox of all members each month, or at times more often to disseminate relevant information as it comes to hand. To view Rapid Response, login to your account or become a member.

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The Pulse

The Pulse is the College's weekly newsletter, designed for paramedics across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, at all stages of their career. The Pulse is your go to eNewsletter for information regarding College news, eLearning, webinars, podcasts, conferences and networking, research and job opportunities. To view The Pulse, login to your account or become a member.