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The Safe Airway Society
  • Released: 09-07-2020

The Safe Airway Society, COVID-19, and Airway Management: Safe, Simple, Familiar, Reliable and Robust Practices

  • 60 minutes
What is NDIS?
  • Released: 07-07-2020
  • Sid Sandilya

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, otherwise known as the NDIS, is the new way of providing disability support. This presentation will focus on the health interface including the role of paramedics.

  • 60 minutes
Community Paramedicine - The Ceduna model
  • Released: 23-06-2020
  • David Jaensch

David discusses Ceduna's highly sucessful community paramedic program which aims to improve the health management of Indigenous people.

  • 60 minutes

A panelist of academics from several Australian and New Zealand universities discuss the impact of Covid19 on paramedic students.

  • 76 minutes

Innovative approaches to patient care became a necessity with the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia, Canada.

  • 60 minutes

Nick Roder of Air Ambulance Victoria takes us through the role of PEEP and End-tidal monitoring in the pre-hospital setting

  • 80 minutes
Haemorrhage Control Wilderness Workshop
  • Released: 08-06-2020
  • Jason Tosch

Jason Tosch from RescueMED presents Haemorrhage Control Wilderness Workshop

  • 30 minutes
Quetiapine: A need to know phenomenon in massive overdose
  • Released: 31-05-2020
  • Alex Hartley MSpecParamed(c), BParamedcPrac, BHM(Edu.)

This case review session explores the little-known concept of paradoxical hypotension in large quetiapine overdose when treated with adrenaline via infusion. This session aims to guide clinical practice by discussing the implications for the pre-hospital management of this increasingly common presentation.

  • 50 minutes
Getting a sense of control in the face of uncertainty
  • Released: 21-05-2020
  • Adele Saunders & Mitch Mullooly

Registered Psychologist Adele Saunders talks with Mitch Mullooly about how we can gain a sense of control in the continuing face of uncertainty with the ongoing global pandemic.

  • 60 minutes

The COVID-19 pandemic and the paramedic response to it, has raised a raft of legal, ethical and professionalism questions for paramedic clinicians and managers.

  • 60 minutes