All recordings are free for members

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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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ACPIC 2020: In this presentation Ben Meadley discusses the logistical and operational challenges associated with continuously monitoring paramedic health, and suggests strategies that ambulance services can implement to care for their most important asset - their staff.

  • 20 minutes
Arrhythmia Management
  • Released: 16-12-2020
  • Erin McDonald & Dr. Katherine Gridley

This joint event between ACP and QAS metro clinical education aims to highlight the physiology and management of cardiac arrythmias both in the pre-hospital and in-hospital setting

  • 60 minutes
Remote Emergencies
  • Released: 23-11-2020
  • Alex Galonski & James Sherriff

This CPD covers the challenges encountered when an emergency occurs in a remote area from a clinical perspective as well as the input of Telehealth and the role that they play. It highlights the importance of inter-agency work and collaboration.

  • 60 minutes
The ABC of DKA, a clinical case discussion
  • Released: 23-11-2020
  • Jarrod Wakeling

This session will describe a clinical case involving a patient with possible DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and drug OD, highlighting the pathophysiology, management and some of the possible pre hospital considerations in regards to management of this cohort of patient.

  • 60 minutes
Wuhan repatriation mission
  • Released: 17-11-2020
  • Whitney Hughes

This webinar session discussed an airlines tale of repatriation from the epicentre of COVID-19.

  • 55 minutes
Family Harm
  • Released: 12-11-2020
  • Byron Williams and Celeita Williams

This presentation will focus on the role of the Paramedic to identify vulnerability including what to look for with your eyes wide open, the importance of documentation and referral of these patients.

  • 60 minutes
Spotting Sepsis
  • Released: 11-11-2020
  • Professor Simon Finfer and Matt Ames

Complex, deadly and more common than you think. The ACP student committee has organised a webinar focused on sepsis. Join us for a presentation from Matt Ames, a sepsis survivor and Professor Simon Finfer AO, who is the director of the Australian Sepsis Network as well as an executive member of the Global Sepsis Alliance.

  • 66 minutes
It’s what we learn
  • Released: 05-11-2020
  • Sascha Baldry

It’s what we learn - after we know it all - that counts. Sascha shares her journey as a middle-aged wife and mother, into university and paramedicine, my trials and achievements and what it’s like to be a learner in a new career when you were pretty sure you’d nailed the adulting thing.

  • 90 minutes
Mind the gap
  • Released: 26-10-2020
  • Brian Parsell

Pre-hospital mass casualty response – are you prepared? Brian Parsell, Chief Inspector – Duty Operations Manager with New South Wales Ambulance Service to discuss pre-hospital mass casualty response. Brian has a wealth of experience and has worked with NSW Ambulance for the past 30 years as an Intensive Care Paramedic and Operational Commander.

  • 68 minutes
Cardiac Case Studies
  • Released: 13-10-2020
  • Dr Peter Sage & Dr Jenni Sleigh

Join members from the St Andrew’s Hospital Cardiology team and GenesisCare for an intimate and interactive evening of cardiac case studies.

  • 60 minutes