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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Paramedic Health and Wellbeing - A professional priority
  • Released: 13-09-2019
  • Dr Sandy MacQuarrie and Ben Meadley

A career in the emergency services can have detrimental consequences on the health and wellbeing of staff, including paramedics...

  • 44 minutes

Ambulance services workers face obvious and unique mental health challenges in addition to the rewards of their line of work...

  • 30 minutes
Women in Leadership 2019
  • Released: 13-09-2019
  • Michelle Murphy ASM

Hosted by Michelle Murphy ASM, our panel of women leaders in the profession discuss their experiences.

  • 67 minutes
Australasian Council of Paramedicine Deans
  • Released: 13-09-2019
  • Dr Paul Simpson

Dr Paul Simpson presents on the emergence of the Australasian Council of Paramedicine Deans.

  • 14 minutes
  • Released: 02-10-2019
  • Emma Bywater

Emma Bywater presents on Compassion: “People won’t remember what you said or did, but how you made them feel.”

  • 34 minutes

Despite being the largest and wealthiest nation of the pacific islands, PNG has the worst health statistics.

  • 30 minutes
Paramedic Prescribing in the UK (The Journey)
  • Released: 11-10-2019
  • Paul Aitken-Fell

This presentation will describe the journey that has taken place in the UK for paramedics to be able to prescribe...

  • 26 minutes

Developing roles of paramedics in Australia and New Zealand

  • 60 minutes
PCR writing - the good, the bad and the ugly!
  • Released: 04-08-2021
  • Chris Wardell, Carly Bearder, Brent Milczuk, Toby St Clair, Kristy Austin & Evan Murray

This presentation will delve into how decisions are best documented in the PCR

  • 90 minutes
Walking the walk, it's not enough
  • Released: 19-03-2016
  • Paul Gowens FCPara

National Conference 2016: Leadership in the paramedic profession and his leadership journey.

  • 19 minutes