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The APPCAT aims to develop a reliable method for assessing paramedicine students under direct observation during placement
The final instalment of the Talking Research webinar series for 2024 offered valuable insights into conducting clinical trials in the dynamic and evolving field of paramedicine.
Decolonising health care allows for Aboriginal ways of knowing being and doing into the primary health care space. We have found them to empower clients, building knowledge and confidence to create self-determining outcomes.
Join Travis to discuss chronic disease management, presented as part of the Whole of Health Approaches session
A brief overview of the evolution of paramedic practice in the End of Life and Palliative Care space in NSW
This session will include four presenters who will speak about paediatrics, bariatrics, neurodivergent and geriatrics and then a panel discussion surrounding the topic of Assessment of Special Populations
This observational cohort study investigated demographic, clinical, and health utilisation factors associated with increasing levels of Emergency Department (ED) attendance at Frankston Hospital
This presentation highlights the characteristics, patient presentations, clinical assessments, and procedural skills practiced by paramedics operating within primary care in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
A mixed-methods evaluation assessed program feasibility and fit, finding high client acceptability, significant healthcare needs, and improved community engagement