ACPIC24: The rise of consensus methodology in paramedicine research: A bibliographic analysis


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC24)

ACPIC 2024 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Sydney (September 2024) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Paramedicine's evolution – Embracing the new era

The rise of consensus methodology in paramedicine research: A bibliographic analysis

2024 Research Symposium Presentation Winner.

Consensus-based studies appear to be increasingly common in paramedicine research. Recent analyses in other disciplines describe great diversity in methods characterised by frequent modifications. Despite its methodological amenability, rigour must be maintained to ensure meaningful robust outputs. This research involved a bibliographic analysis of published research reporting the use of a consensus methodology in the pre-hospital context. The findings of this research suggest that there may be a need for stronger methodological guidance within the paramedicine research space to ensure quality, and stronger engagement with reporting guidelines to ensure completeness and transparency.

Biography: Rachael Vella

Rachael (BMedSci, BHlthSci(Paramedic), MRes) is a Lecturer in Paramedicine at Western Sydney University. Her research interests focus on incorporating technology-enhanced methods of simulation within healthcare education to better prepare students for real-world practice. Her PhD will focus on the incorporation of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to enhance simulation feedback and assessment. Additionally, Rachael is a registered paramedic and maintains clinical practice through employment with New South Wales Ambulance.

Moderator: Dr Robin Pap, College Research Advisory Committee Chair.

Presented by Rachael Vella



16 minutes
25th Nov 2024
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