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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Join Mel to review the common wounds encountered in pre-hospital care, identify concerning features of chronic wounds that require intervention and much more

  • 45 minutes

In this session Kerryn will discuss the barriers he has experienced providing medical care in the bush and help give you some tools to break them down

  • 27 minutes
ROAR 2022: Panel Discussion: “Community care clinical conundrum” - the interplay of chronic diseases and care within the community
  • Released: 01-07-2022
  • Brendan Shannon, Dave Jaensch, Cassie Sutcliffe, Cliff Mason, Chris Pilmore & Katharine McBride

This panel will include a multidisciplinary team who will discuss a case intended to highlight the interplay of 3 major chronic diseases.

  • 75 minutes

This presentation will look at what the common signs and symptoms of Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).

  • 26 minutes

Dave will provide an overview of the role of point of care ultrasound, with an emphasis on the benefits to Paramedic practice.

  • 84 minutes
ROAR 2022: Keynote Presenter
  • Released: 01-07-2022
  • Rosemary Wanganeen

Rosemary guides us through her journey and discovery of the principles of griefology as an intuitive researcher

  • 63 minutes

The aim of the webinar is to discuss what an integrated primary health care model looks like, what models of care already exist globally and how they are impacting on the delivery of health service.

  • 56 minutes
Managing mental health emergencies
  • Released: 10-06-2022
  • Angela Iliopoulos, Alex Merrett, Shaun Baxter & Ryan Parry

In this discussion this expert panel will answer any and all questions related to managing mental health emergencies

  • 95 minutes
Move your leg I need to wee - Part 2
  • Released: 20-05-2022
  • Libby Hanrahan and Luke Frost

Part 2 - Libby & Luke discuss a job 17th May 2020, an hour before last light they were tasked by Helicopter to a climber fallen at Carnes Wall in Medlow Bath

  • 64 minutes
Talking Research: Developing our regional research agenda
  • Released: 13-05-2022
  • Robin Pap, Paul Simpson, & Peter O’Meara

What is a Research Agenda? Why do Australasian paramedics need a research agenda? How will paramedicine benefit from knowing its research priorities? These questions (and more) will be answered in this presentation

  • 90 minutes