ACPIC23: 3 Minute Thesis: Self-compassion and PTSD symptoms in paramedics


Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC23)

ACPIC 2023 delivered a wide range of clinical and research sessions from experts and leaders in paramedicine. Hosted in Melbourne (September 2023) the program was designed to inspire, educate and broaden horizons.

Conference theme: Lead - Evolve - Impact

3 Minute Thesis: Self-compassion and PTSD symptoms in paramedics

More than one in four paramedics are suffering from a diagnosable level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Self-compassion is a known protective factor against PTSD in both military and civilian populations, yet whether this was also true for paramedics was unknown. This study, involving 334 paramedics, found that levels of self-compassion (how paramedics respond toward themself during difficult times) explain unique variance in their levels of PTSD symptoms; and more specifically, “over-identification” is the key component. Since we know self-compassion levels are readily increased through even brief intervention, these findings open up exciting possibilities for prevention and treatment strategies.

Biography: Julia Stone

Julia’s journey as a paramedic began in 2001 and has meandered its way across two decades and many parts of New South Wales, including metropolitan, regional, and remote areas. Previously an RN and army reservist, she has since squeezed out 12 years on-road, three children, 8 years as a full-time mum, and nearly 4 years as an Associate Lecturer in Paramedicine at Charles Sturt University. Her desire to research paramedic wellbeing has grown out of her own difficult experiences, those of fellow paramedics, and the hope of helping others “have an easier time of it”.

Moderator: Matt Cook, ACPIC23 Organising Committee Member, Paramedic & Registered Nurse

PLEASE NOTE: We regret to inform you that this recording experienced unexpected audio disruptions. We hope you can still enjoy this recording and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the audio issues.

Presented by Julia Stone



10 minutes
6th Dec 2023
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