All recordings are free for members

The College provides members with hundreds of free recordings to assist you with professional development. You can filter and search for recordings of interest, plus “like” recordings so you can find them easily in the future.

All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.

Prehospital Critical Care Teams – HARU
  • Released: 14-09-2020
  • Christian Wiggins, Matthew Meister & Dr Stephen Rashford

The UK College of Paramedics and the Australasian College of Paramedicine are pleased to be collaborating on this webinar, featuring the Queensland High Acuity Response Unit and their role in responding to critically unwell medical and trauma patients. It will discuss the training, clinical governance, skill mix, equipment and team focus on clinical excellence in prehospital critical care.

  • 60 minutes
Stress and adaptation
  • Released: 14-12-2021
  • Julie Johnson

In this session, we look at how we can adapt our stress response

  • 40 minutes

Although confronted with acute and chronic disease every day, paramedics can paradoxically neglect their own health while working to improve it for their patients. So how can we improve our own health and be always ready to respond?

  • 87 minutes
Do I need insurance? – Paramedics and their risks
  • Released: 11-04-2024
  • Lauren Greenall & Christie Boucher

Knowing what can go wrong before it does is the first step to managing risks for any professional. This knowledge allows you to practice in a way which is safer for you and your patients.

  • 60 minutes
Employment pathways and opportunities
  • Released: 10-07-2024
  • Dr Sandy MacQuarrie, Jono Cash, Josh Harmer, Justin Hirello, Michael Smith, Tash Adams & Jenni Pedler

This course will provide insight into employment pathways in Paramedicine. Topics will cover state services, overseas options, private sector opportunities and more.

  • 111 minutes