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Steve Bell - BPI golden nugget presentation
  • Released: 19-05-2018
  • Steve Bell MCPara

National Conference 2018. Pre-hospital surgical cricothyroidotomy by advanced paramedics within a UK regional ambulance service: a service evaluation.

  • 30 minutes
Pre-hospital CPR-induced consciousness
  • Released: 19-05-2018
  • Ben May MCPara

National Conference 2018. Ben shows us the preliminary results of a study on CPR-Induced Consciousness.

  • 30 minutes

National Conference 2018. Richard Webber looks at the Ambulance Response programme.

  • 30 minutes
Paramedic research: the changing landscape
  • Released: 19-05-2018
  • Professor Julia Williams FCPara

National Conference 2018. Julia Williams presents the Mark Bloch Lecture for the College of Paramedics National Conference 2018.

  • 30 minutes
Consensus statement
  • Released: 19-05-2018

National Conference 2018.: A Framework for Safe and Effective Intubation by Paramedics.

  • 30 minutes
People like us?
  • Released: 19-05-2018

National Conference 2018. A panel discussion about 'People like us' looking at paramedic HCPC complaints and referrals.

  • 30 minutes

South West Day Conference Birth Imminent: Prepare to Care. Maternity and Newborn Care.

  • 30 minutes
Birth Emergencies - the good, the bad and the down right scary
  • Released: 19-05-2018
  • Aimee Yarrington MCPara

South West Day Conference Birth Imminent: Prepare to Care. Breech birth and other surprises.

  • 30 minutes
Physiology of resuscitation at birth
  • Released: 19-05-2018
  • Dr. John Madar

South West Day Conference Birth Imminent: Prepare to Care. Dr Madar looks at the approach taken for New born resuscitation.

  • 30 minutes

South West Day Conference Birth Imminent: Prepare to Care. Dr Madar recognises the challenges for improving management of babies in a pre-hospital setting.

  • 30 minutes