Taking experience and research from military and civilian mass casualty disaster situations Sanj will examine the questions - should we debrief after a big job?, should we do hot debriefs?, when is the best time to debrief? how do we debrief? and What comes next?
Sanj Fernando is a short, bald, black man who grew up on a coconut plantation in Sri Lanka He immigrated to Australia with his family and met his wife at a beer drinking competition at the University of Tasmania. He completed his medical degree and specialised in Emergency medicine, training predominantly at St. Vincent's hospital in Sydney. He is currently a senior Emergency Specialist working in South West Sydney. He has a n interest in pre-hospital medicine and has been a specialist with NSW Ambulance HEMS since 2006. He also has an interest in medical education and currently holds an education portfolio funded by the College for Emergency Medicine. Like many Emergency physicians he has a short attention span and hence many additional interests which guarantee that his hair will not grow back any time soon.
Sanj is currently a senior Emergency Specialist working in South West Sydney. He has a n interest in pre-hospital medicine and has been a specialist with NSW Ambulance HEMS since 2006.