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This presentation highlights the characteristics, patient presentations, clinical assessments, and procedural skills practiced by paramedics operating within primary care in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
This study examines the clinical leadership practices of Extended Care Paramedics in Australia and New Zealand, highlighting key themes and barriers, and providing insights into their roles in healthcare
This literature review highlights the urgent need for a structured capability framework for advanced practice paramedics in Australia, identifying key domains and advocating for a tailored national standard.
This presentation evaluates the impact of weekly simulation-based education on paramedicine students’ 12-Lead ECG interpretation skills, highlighting significant performance improvements through frequent practice.
This presentation provides an overview of work-integrated learning (WIL) practices and assessment methods in Australasian paramedicine tertiary education programs, addressing gaps in research on activity diversity and evaluation tools.
This presentation explores a study comparing quantitative mask fit testing with qualitative fit checks, confirming QnFT as the gold standard for ensuring mask fit performance and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This presentation examines paramedicine students’ perceptions of physical preparation in undergraduate programs and the feasibility of implementing the Ottawa Paramedic Physical Abilities Test (OPPAT™) in Australia to ensure evidence-based fitness standards.
We will look into the development and evolution of the Swiss Army Knife and how that parallels the identity development of Paramedics across all contexts and meets the needs of the populations we serve.
This recorded webinar covers recent obstetrics case studies. The STORC team also answers general obstetrics questions from the audience.
This recorded webinar offers soon to graduate paramedic students an opportunity to hear from prospective employers of registered paramedics in Victoria.