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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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This presentation will explore the challenges for those who live in rural/remote regions, whānau (families) experiences, purakau (stories) and the affects. While also exploring the opportunities for community paramedicine and the need to continue enhancing services utilising a tikanga Māori approach.

  • 30 minutes

This recorded webinar addresses toxicology of popular recreational drugs.

  • 50 minutes
Heart smart: Enhancing cardiac care in paramedicine
  • Released: 14-08-2024
  • Nick Dutton, Christian Stokes and Adam Parker

This recorded webinar addresses current cardiology evidence-based practice and case reviews.

  • 97 minutes
Talking Research: The Research Agenda for Australasian Paramedicine
  • Released: 08-08-2024
  • A/Prof Paul Simpson, A/Professor Ian Blanchard, Dr Fiona Sampson, Executive Director Jan Jensen & Dr Caitlin Wilson

Join us as we delve into the significance of having a unified Australasian research agenda, explore the research directions and priorities identified within paramedicine, and gain insights from the authors themselves.

  • 100 minutes
Paramedics & palliative care
  • Released: 06-08-2024
  • Dr Joanne Patel

This recorded webinar addresses palliative care in the prehospital setting.

  • 64 minutes
PCC24: Panel Discussion - Palliative & Geriatric Care
  • Released: 25-07-2024
  • Dr Natalie Anderson, Andrew Noble & Dr. Rebecca Heath

Join Natalie, Rebecca, and Andrew for an insightful panel discussion on palliative and geriatric care

  • 42 minutes

Rebecca will discuss what frailty is, what scoring systems are available to screen for frailty and where and how these are being used.

  • 23 minutes

This session explores the often-overlooked role of paramedics in end-of-life and bereavement care, highlighting the need for improved support and guidance in these areas

  • 33 minutes
PCC24: Integrated out-of-hospital palliative care
  • Released: 25-07-2024
  • Andrew Noble

Andrew will outline the very successful model of integrated in-home palliative care emergency management which the SA Ambulance Extended Care Paramedic team have established over the last 14 years.

  • 32 minutes

This session will address "the worried parent" - presentation of the paediatric patient to the urgent care/primary care

  • 17 minutes