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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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National Reconciliation Week: Bush Medicine
  • Released: 03-06-2021
  • Uncle Ken Jones

By the end of this session, participants will have a basic understanding about the history of bush medicine and how certain plants are still used for pain relief.

  • 60 minutes

Information session from the LAS about their recruitment process and what a job with them may look like

  • 1 minutes
TotB21 - Penetrating Trauma - is this one for real?
  • Released: 12-05-2021
  • Dr. John Glasheen

This talk will analyse the prehospital assessment and management of penetrating trauma including the accuracy of clinical wound examination, the evidence base behind current treatment strategies and the interface between prehospital and in-hospital care.

  • 24 minutes

In this presentation we will look at some of the complexities of the pre-hospital setting that can act like “curve balls”, potentially compromising, confusing and distracting us in the field and discuss how to avoid them.

  • 24 minutes
TotB21 - Rescue Through the Wreckage
  • Released: 12-05-2021
  • Elliot Burton & Prudence Snedden

Background of Road Crash Rescue and why practice makes perfect, Scene Safety and how teamwork makes a difference & much more.

  • 30 minutes
TotB21 - Working Under Pressure 
  • Released: 12-05-2021
  • Phil Gadd

Diving emergencies present unique challenges to medical professionals, particularly in the pre-hospital environment and it is important that clinicians maintain current knowledge of dive physiology, types of potential dive emergencies and evidence-based treatment protocols.

  • 24 minutes
TotB21 - Trauma on the high seas
  • Released: 12-05-2021
  • Renee McHugh

This is a reflective memoir of Renee McHugh's time at sea in Western Africa as a volunteer medic for Sea Shepherd.

  • 30 minutes
TotB21 - A Complicated Island Retrieval
  • Released: 12-05-2021
  • Hannah Gaulke

Managing the many challenges of retrieving an injured patient from a remote indigenous island community when you cannot fly

  • 30 minutes
Mental Health Series (Session 4): Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing as Leaders and Supervisors
  • Released: 11-05-2021
  • Nicole Sadler, Buck Reed, Todd Wehr, Nikki Johnston & Anita Savic

This 90 minute webinar will focus on the important role paramedicine leaders and managers have in supporting mental health and wellbeing in individuals and teams.

  • 90 minutes

This keynote presentation will explore some of the key concepts, philosophy and challenges relating to prehospital trauma management.

  • 30 minutes