All recordings are free for members

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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.

This session will explore the the dual paramedic nurse role, how it may look in the future, and how it will function within the multidisciplinary health care team

  • 13 minutes
STUCON 2021: Panel Discussion – Learning to make our practice culturally safe
  • Released: 30-08-2021
  • Buck Reed, J.D. Heffern, Carlton Irving, Kaitlyn Krahe & Kiara Bennett

Learning to make our practice culturally safe

  • 40 minutes

This presentation will discuss the lived experience of the patient with reference to recent research into the experience of patients while in paramedic care.

  • 30 minutes

This session will highlight the key differences in circumstances when accessing emergency healthcare due to a moderate to severe asthma exacerbation between rural or remote and metropolitan areas

  • 10 minutes

This presentation identifies the importance of understanding ECG changes suggestive of myocardial infarction without ST-elevation.

  • 10 minutes

In this seminar, Ryan will use his experience as a Clinical Instructor to give you winning strategies to excel in your grad year, and set you up for your future career.

  • 30 minutes

Managing up to improve your placement experience

  • 40 minutes

This session will offer commentary on the peer support process delivered by the South Australian Ambulance Service which aims to mitigate this risk and support the longevity of its employees’ careers

  • 10 minutes

A brief exploration into the management of cardiogenic shock, its pitfalls, and future directions.

  • 10 minutes

In this presentation we will discuss effective ways you can build and maintain your mental health and wellbeing, as well as improve your ability to effectively perform your duties as a paramedic.

  • 30 minutes