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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Referral – Enabling Success: A System Shift

  • 14 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Enabling Success Panel Discussion
  • Released: 21-02-2022
  • Emma-Kate Thornley, Katherine Eastwood & Sam Allendar

Enabling Success Panel Discussion

  • 32 minutes

This session aims to provide an overview of the physiological differences, key management points, resuscitation decisions and transport considerations for these complex patients.

  • 26 minutes

Andrew uses this case to discuss what paramedics can do to optimise their own success, and their peers successes, when working outside their designated scope of practice.

  • 27 minutes

This session provides an overview of criteria than can be used to ascertain the validity and reliability of literature informing clinical decision making

  • 30 minutes

This talk gives a brief overview of what KnowYourStuffNZ does, how it reduces harm at events, considerations for festival medics, and what the future might look like.

  • 30 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Telehealth - an exciting career prospect for paramedics
  • Released: 14-02-2022
  • Fenella Aldridge & Jo Wilson

Telehealth - an exciting career prospect for paramedics

  • 42 minutes

A review of reviews, to identify the current evidence on opportunities and challenges to implementing successful CP models.

  • 19 minutes

A pre-registration survey of Australian paramedics: Qualitative findings

  • 20 minutes

Paramedic incompetency and misconduct: An analysis of decisions made that have led to paramedics being struck off the register

  • 21 minutes