All recordings are free for members

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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.

CCS 2023: The Art of Low Fidelity Simulation
  • Released: 03-07-2023
  • Dr Sam Bendall, Hannah Latta, Sam Burton & Dr Emma West

In this session, led by Dr Sam Bendall, the team will present some of the latest evidence and techniques to better improve your simulation experience, and to help you to better deliver simulation and practical based education

  • 118 minutes
CCS 2023: Paediatric Masterclass: The A’s, B’s and C’s
  • Released: 30-06-2023
  • Tash Adams, Victoria Matheson, Matt Humar & Libby Hanrahan

This session will include live presentations of paediatric airway management, combined with the latest research and tools to reduce the stress on critical care clinicians when caring for an unwell child.

  • 110 minutes

Dr Sanj Fernando's keynote presentation focused on his collaboration with the Suwasiriya (the Sri Lankan ambulance service), to build a pre-hospital service from the ground up. Sanj discussed the success of this global project that now services a country with a population of 21 million, and compared this to other initiatives.

  • 45 minutes
Elder Abuse: Current Challenges and Responses
  • Released: 16-06-2023
  • Deanne Lawrie and Shonel Hall

In this webinar, we will have the opportunity to hear from an expert working in the field of elder abuse. This is must see webinar for all paramedics and patient transport officers.

  • 88 minutes
Antibiotics in the Pre-hospital Setting
  • Released: 12-06-2023
  • Dr Jason Waddell & Dan O'Brien

This presentation Dr Jason Waddell covers the role of antibiotics in the pre-hospital setting

  • 77 minutes
Research Grants 2023 - Q&A Session
  • Released: 30-05-2023
  • Louise Reynolds and Nigel Barr

Louise and Nigel answers questions submitted by prospective grant applicants and provide expert guidance on your submission.

  • 35 minutes
Talking Research : 50 Years of Paramedicine Research
  • Released: 22-05-2023
  • Dr Peter O'Meara, Dr Bill Lord, Dr Louise Reynolds & Dr Scott Devenish

Join us for the 50th anniversary Talking Research special on a spellbinding journey through the progress of paramedic research over the past five decades

  • 95 minutes
Fracture Management for Paramedics
  • Released: 28-04-2023
  • Michael Wann & Dan O'Brien

This webinar will cover out-of-hospital management of fractures, including a refresher on the relevant anatomy and physiology, assessment, red flags, and management with a strong urgent care focus.

  • 65 minutes
Traumatic haemorrhage
  • Released: 28-03-2023
  • Dan O'Brien

This webinar will provide a refresher on traumatic haemorrhage in the out of hospital environment

  • 26 minutes
Chronic health conditions - Part 2
  • Released: 24-03-2023
  • Shonel Hall

This module focuses on an introductory perspective to chronic health disease in Australia and focuses on common cardiovascular and respiratory chronic health conditions - Part 2.

  • 64 minutes