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A case study of the pre-hospital management of traumatic cardiac arrest following multiple stab wounds to the chest.
The presentation will provide an overview of the incident, some of the complexities associated with managing this incident and Dr Ryan’s perspective on some of the key learning that has arisen for him.
Summary Logistics of IR / TRAUMA Ct PANSCAN. Trauma: Indications and Cases of embolization of organs (spleen, liver, kidney) and bones.
Paramedics often spend more time with dying patients, and the relatives of those patients, than most other health care professionals.
Presented by Julie Hughes and Dr Glenn Ryan at Trauma on the Border 2019.
Dan discusses the concepts of pre-hospital haemostatic trauma resuscitation and potential targets for therapy.
Welcome to Managing Patients with Complex Trauma
This presentation will provide an overview of trauma systems and how such systems can evolve to account for these increasing demands.
Clinical Case Presentation: Crush Injury presented by Matthew Shepherd, MICA Flight Paramedic...