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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Presented by Nathan Stam The forensic analysis of herion-related deaths: evaluating the safety of n...

  • 40 minutes

Presented by Associate Professor Sam Harvey MBBS MRCGP MRCPsych FRANZCP PhD Dr Harvey is the Sen...

  • 45 minutes

National Conference 2016: What adrenal insufficiency is, why it is so important to improve care and bridging the gap in knowledge?

  • 15 minutes

Presented by Professor Stephen Bernard MB BS, MD, FACEM, FCICM Senior Medical Advisor Ambulance Vi...

  • 75 minutes

Presented by Dr Tony Smith at ANZCP Conference 2014

  • 25 minutes

Presented by Stephen Gough at ANZCP Conference 2014

  • 45 minutes
Imagining a digital future
  • Released: 09-08-2014

Future in Paramedic Practice Symposium. David discusses where paramedicine is heading and what types of tools will be used to support patients in the future.

  • 25 minutes

Presented by Dr Sharon McAuley at ANZCP Conference 2014

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Dr Ingrid van Beek AM, Tony Jackson and Dr Karen Chronister. Dr Marianne Jauncey, Medi...

  • 90 minutes