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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.
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The UK College of Paramedics and the Australasian College of Paramedicine are pleased to be collaborating on this webinar, featuring the Queensland High Acuity Response Unit and their role in responding to critically unwell medical and trauma patients. It will discuss the training, clinical governance, skill mix, equipment and team focus on clinical excellence in prehospital critical care.
Fraser will discuss around the development of the Extended Care Paramedic (ECP) role and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in New Zealand.
This panel discussion, chaired by Dr. Ruth Townsend, will explore the, at times, confusing legal and ethical area of paramedic management of mental health patients.
Paramedic professionalism and registration means that reflective practice is no longer something to be left behind when university ends. Tammie Bullard, paramedic and author of a reflective practice text, to refresh your approach. Find alternative, easier ways to make it an ongoing, stress free part of life.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme, otherwise known as the NDIS, is the new way of providing disability support. This presentation will focus on the health interface including the role of paramedics.
Emergency management and the foundations underpinning an ambulance service’s response.
An in depth discussion on paramedic assessment strategies, past experience and assessment preparation.
Paramedics often spend more time with dying patients, and the relatives of those patients, than most other health care professionals.
In Unique Patient Journeys, Tracey will provide an insight into complex care and offer opportunity for self reflection on a number of cases presented to the viewer.
Emma Bywater presents on Compassion: “People won’t remember what you said or did, but how you made them feel.”