Paramedic management of third stage and the prehospital use of oxytocics


Presented by Belinda Flanagan

The third stage of labour is defined as the moment the baby is born until the expulsion of the placenta, cord and membranes from the uterus. There are various methods to manage third stage, this depends on the use of uterotonic medications and the application of cord traction. There is little consistency between ambulance service clinical guidelines on the best form of prehospital management of third stage. In addition, many state guidelines are not consistent with The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the World Health Organisation recommendations. It is essential to achieve consensus and consistency in practice using highest available evidence.

**Biography: **

Belinda Flanagan has been involved in various areas of health since 1990 and is qualified as a Registered Nurse/Midwife, Paramedic and Lecturer. Prior to her appointment with the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Belinda was a paramedic with both the NSW and Qld Ambulance Services and a registered nurse/midwife with NSW and Qld Health. Belinda frequently collaborates with the Queensland Ambulance Service in guideline development and education in the area of obstetrics and neonatal resuscitation. Belinda has presented extensively both in Australia and internationally on her research concerning paramedic response to obstetric emergencies, this research has provided recommendations for the management of emergency obstetric cases attended by paramedics.

This presentation was part of ANZCP2018 Sydney on 23rd & 24th August 2018.



34 minutes
29th Mar 2019
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