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Four presentations surrounding the topic of Critical and Intensive Care, followed by a panel discussion
The international panel of 25 experts from this sequential, electronic Delphi study included clinicians, carers and persons with lived experience.
A systematic search of electronic databases identified 20 relevant studies, revealing that paediatric cases cause significant anxiety and stress among paramedics
This study aimed to explore experiences of cultural (un)safety for Māori and their whānau who received acute pre-hospital cardiovascular care
This study aimed to investigate paramedic management of back pain in NSW, Australia
The study aimed to assess the accuracy of point-of-care (POC) lactate measurements compared to laboratory lactate levels in trauma patients with suspected critical bleeding.
This study describes the scope and context of pain management therapies applied by paramedics
This systematic review summarised the available evidence relating to this topic, highlighting the crucial role emergency clinicians play in the continuum of care for people who use drugs.
Tara will present a fresh perspective on resilience by focusing on the five core pillars of communal psycho-social health.
This presentation will describe how sleep changes with the start of shift and emergency work, and the impact poor sleep has on the later development of mental health symptoms in paramedics.