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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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ROAR19: Emergency department life support
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Carol Bartee

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 session is designed to take the ‘scary out of ALS’. Our facilitators will lead you through an in-hospital cardiac arrest in the context of a wellresourced, team-based resuscitation bay, and give delegates an opportunity to refresh their ALS algorithm skills. An essential pre-cursor to Friday’s workshop, ‘More than just by the numbers’.

  • 42 minutes
ROAR19: Everything but the kitchen sink
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Paul Reeves

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 will explore: different approaches to medical equipment for remote or resource limited environments, strategies for achieving optimal performance, clinically, physically and mentally and much more.

  • 55 minutes
ROAR19: Broader horizons
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Judith Barker, Scott Jones and David Jaensch

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 session will explore the personal journeys of three very different individuals and what led them to their current roles.

  • 69 minutes

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 will have a panel discussion where multi-disciplinary health experts discuss a range of approaches to palliative care and invite the audience to join the discussion.

  • 36 minutes
ROAR19: Tribal EMS in the United States: challenges and innovation
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Dr Chelsea White and Libby Melton

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019. Delivered by international guest speakers Chelsea White and Elizabeth Melton, this informative presentation discusses two Tribal Community EMS programs in New Mexico.

  • 45 minutes
ROAR19: Personal safety-tactics to keep you on the front foot
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Stephen Tebbett and Simon Leonard

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 will cover key features around: • understanding escalation, effective communication, mental state assessment and de-escalation techniques. How your behaviour and attitudes affect others and your body’s physiological response to stress

  • 60 minutes

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019 will discuss the rates of kidney disease are high in Central Australia. For people from remote communities, getting the treatment they need means packing up their lives and moving to a regional centre to be close to a dialysis machine.

  • 41 minutes
ROAR19: Positive psychology in emergency care
  • Released: 10-04-2019
  • Amanda Akers

ROAR 2019: Rural Outback and Remote (ROAR) 2019. This workshop commences with an explanation of the signs and symptoms of burnout followed by an instructor-led mindfulness exercise.

  • 44 minutes
Paediatric Trauma
  • Released: 29-03-2019

Presented by Catherine Hassall Injury is a leading cause of paediatric death worldwide, accounting for...

  • 23 minutes

Presented by Susan Hill Many health professionals, paramedics included, have not traditionally seen themselves as...

  • 34 minutes