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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Clinical Case Presentation: Drowning
  • Released: 24-07-2019
  • Sam Peart

Clinical Case Presentations: Drowning Case presented by Sam Peart...

  • 43 minutes
An evening with VicPol
  • Released: 03-07-2019

The Victoria Police discussed a myriad of topics, including: Emergecny Man...

  • 51 minutes
Obstetric Emergencies
  • Released: 21-06-2019
  • Stuart Hill

Obstetric Emergencies presented by Stuart Hill, MICA Flight Paramedic...

  • 60 minutes
Trauma in the Elderly
  • Released: 19-06-2019
  • Dr Guru Nagaraj

Presented by Dr Guru Nagaraj as part of our Geriatric Education Evening.

  • 60 minutes
NSWA Geriatric Alternate Referral Pathways
  • Released: 19-06-2019
  • Claire Walker

Presented by Claire Walker as part of our Geriatric Education Evening...

  • 49 minutes
Care in the Home and Emergency Access
  • Released: 19-06-2019
  • Dr Amith Shetty

Presented by Dr Amith Shetty, Staff Specialist, Emergency...

  • 36 minutes
Disaster Management
  • Released: 11-06-2019

Presented by Monica Farrow, Director of Operations...

  • 39 minutes

Presented by Professor Vivienne Tippett...

  • 47 minutes
What you NEED to know about paediatrics
  • Released: 04-06-2019
  • Dr Andrew Tagg

Andy Tagg presents his essentials of paediatrics...

  • 76 minutes

Presented by Rebecca Gleeson and Courtney Johnston

  • 25 minutes