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This presentation is a case study of a relatively rare incidence of a shark encounter, with a focus on the prehospital management and aeromedical retrieval of the patient

  • 17 minutes

Is there a better way, is there a more patient centric option?

  • 16 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Panel Discussion: Health System Pressures
  • Released: 07-03-2022
  • Vivienne Tippett, Matt Langley & Sonia Martin

Health System Pressures

  • 30 minutes

The sickening, emotionally numbing feeling when a paramedic realises that have been dispatched to their own home.

  • 22 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Move your leg I need to wee
  • Released: 07-03-2022
  • Libby Hanrahan & Luke Frost

Libby & Luke discuss a job 17th May 2020, an hour before last light they were tasked by Helicopter to a climber fallen at Carnes Wall in Medlow Bath

  • 29 minutes

Case presentation - Tim will be presenting the management of a witnessed cardiac arrest

  • 22 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Case study presentation
  • Released: 07-03-2022
  • Ben Harris

Case study presentation. 80 year old male, urge to urinate/defecate but can't get out of bed due to weakness. Patient is hypotensive and bradycardic.

  • 18 minutes

Industrial campaigning as a registered profession

  • 10 minutes

This session will explore the potential professional, personal, legal and ethical conflict that can arise when paramedics plan and take industrial action

  • 19 minutes
Talking Research: Research experience - clinical practice guidelines
  • Released: 04-03-2022
  • Dr Sonja Maria & Zachary Munn

This Talking Research webinar will focus on how research informs or should inform clinical practice guidelines.

  • 82 minutes