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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Presented by Clinton van der Westhuyzen, Rescue Crewman/Critical Care Paramedic on the RAC Rescue He...

  • 70 minutes

Presented by Dr Dan Corkery Medical doctor and military medical consultant based in Canberra, Aus...

  • 55 minutes

Care of the Shark bite victim: ED reception and care on the wards Presented by Kate Dale Nurse P...

  • 20 minutes
Dealing with major wounds
  • Released: 08-04-2016

Presented by Associate Professor Martin Wullschleger Swiss and Australian qualified General and T...

  • 40 minutes
Red Blanket protocol
  • Released: 08-04-2016

Red Blanket: A protocol for improving ER to OR transfer of non-responding shocked trauma patients...

  • 25 minutes

Presented by Matthew Meister Discussion of pre hospital trauma care in major trauma settings with...

  • 45 minutes

Presented by Dr Blake Eddington Blake is an Emergency Medicine Specialist working at The Tweed an...

  • 25 minutes

Presented by LT COL James Phillips Lieutenant Colonel James C Phillips MB ChB Dip IMC RCS(Ed) M...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Todd Wehr Todd Wehr (Dip Hlth. Sci., BA(Psych), M(Couns)) is the Executive Manager o...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Ian Murphy, ICP Case study of Matt Lee, the 34year old body board rider who was maul...

  • 25 minutes