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From Brisbane to the Bush - a CPD focusing on Trauma Management. Presentations on Paramedicine in Hostile Environments, followed by scenarios focused on Traumatic Cardiac Arrest and an Airway Management Workshop.
RescueMED presents Chest Injuries (Wilderness) as part of the Wilderness Medicine Workshop in Victortia
National Conference 2018. Siera discusses her dissertation and interest in symptoms.
Discussion about ACP and Monash University collaboration
Trauma on the Border presentation will be a personal account of three operational tours as an infantry soldier, armoured vehicle driver and a combat first aider.
This presentation will examine the evidence and myths surrounding the resuscitation of the traumatic cardiac arrest patient.
East of England Clinical Conference 2018. Emergency Planning and Specialist Response in East of England Ambulance Service.
London/SE Coast Christmas CPD Day 2017. Looking at the background and Statistics of Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, the guidelines and why we should treat this group of patients differently.