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ACPIC 2020: In 2019, Trent, a 30 year old supervisor for bulk earthworks in a quarry, was crushed between a huge wheel and chassis of a large truck 80km south east of Melbourne. Michaela Malcolm presents on the pre hospital management, and Dr John Moloney, Head of Trauma Anaesthesia, talks about the in hospital care of Trent.
Pre-hospital mass casualty response – are you prepared? Brian Parsell, Chief Inspector – Duty Operations Manager with New South Wales Ambulance Service to discuss pre-hospital mass casualty response. Brian has a wealth of experience and has worked with NSW Ambulance for the past 30 years as an Intensive Care Paramedic and Operational Commander.
Trauma on the Border 2020: Q&A session with Christian Harch, presenter of End of Life Discussions
Case of a chest stabbing to a middle-aged man in a rural town and response at regional ED demonstrated the challenges and opportunities in managing these cases.
This presentation is based on a crime investigation in Murwillumbah which posed a number of issues for first responders.