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In this session, our three presenters will be discussing the translation of research findings into practice
This Talking Research webinar explores qualitative research in paramedicine, facilitated by several experienced qualitative researchers.
In this session Dr Jocasta Ball will provide an overview of cohort studies, followed by a discussion/Q&A session with some authors of recently published cohort studies
Systematic reviews, scoping reviews, narrative reviews; what’s the difference and why do we see so many of these published? Why are literature reviews such a vital part of research? How do we conduct them and what do they add to they add?
Dr Kelly-Ann Bowles will take you through the basics of research design, and how to read, analyse and interpret results, and draw your own conclusions. She will use examples from the paramedic profession to demonstrate some common appraisal tools and techniques.
ACPIC20 - This session explores the psychological impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on paramedicine students and the coping strategies utilised by the cohort.
ACPIC20 - Panel discussion about Pre-hospital research agenda
ACPIC20 - Panel discussion about the translation of pre-hospital research to practice
This session will describe a clinical case involving a patient with possible DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and drug OD, highlighting the pathophysiology, management and some of the possible pre hospital considerations in regards to management of this cohort of patient.
Presented by Lisa McLeod at STUCON19 NSW.