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CPD by the Sea 2018 - discussion about the National Registration and what it means for students and graduates
CPD by the sea 2018 presents an interesting topic on how to grow and expand your potential by becoming a volunteer with your local ambulance service.
SPANZ 2018 symposium is targeted at delegates working in the pre-hospital setting and is predominantly open to students from paramedicine, nursing, social work, medicine and police recruits. This session will have our presenter Sean Thompson discuss the importance of the up coming Paramedic Registration "Chrystal balls and fortune telling".
Presented by Professor John Pearn Responding to an emergency call for a drowning casualty is one of...
The journey of the Paramedic Association of Canada to develop a community paramedicine standard in Canada.
Presented by Ben Meadley, MICA Flight Paramedic with Ambulance Victoria Ben Meadley is an intensive...
Presented by Paul Burke and Dr John Maloney Paul Burke is Clinical Practice Development Specialist...
Presented by Dr Tony Smith Medical Director for St John Ambulance New Zealand and Intensive Care M...