All recordings are free for members

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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.

Maternity Conference for Paramedics and Midwives. Providing an update on the JRCALC Maternity Supplement.

  • 30 minutes

National Conference 2018. Andy Collen looks at the link between workforce welfare and physiological safety in practice.

  • 30 minutes
Terror in the UK
  • Released: 19-10-2017
  • Dan Smith MCPara

National Conference 2018. A personal reflection of the Manchester Attack.

  • 30 minutes
Newborn Life Support and Newborn Care
  • Released: 19-09-2017
  • Aimee Yarrington MCPara

Emergency Services Show 2017. Looking at key points for Newborn Life support and Newborn Care.

  • 41 minutes
Frequent Caller Management
  • Released: 19-09-2017

Emergency Services Show 2017. This sessions takes us through the Frequent Caller National Network

  • 30 minutes
Accessing free e-learning CPD - All you need to know
  • Released: 19-09-2017
  • Kerry Crawley MCPara

Emergency Services Show 2017. We take a look at the e-learning project set up by HEE and the College of Paramedics.

  • 11 minutes
Paediatric Cardiac Arrest: Time to stay on scene?
  • Released: 19-09-2017
  • Will Broughton MCPara

Emergency Services Show 2017. Discussion on knowing when to leave a child at home and when to take them to hospital.

  • 28 minutes
Infectious diseases
  • Released: 19-09-2017
  • Liz Harris FCPara

Emergency Services Show 2017. Looking at similar symptoms coming from a variety of different pathogens.

  • 32 minutes

Emergency Services Show 2017. This session aims to introduce an International perspective on the evidence for Intubation by paramedics.

  • 30 minutes

Emergency Services Show 2017. An interactive insight into this very important role.

  • 25 minutes