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This session will shine the spotlight on the theory and challenge the notion of “We don’t know what we don’t know”

  • 21 minutes
TotB 2022: Trauma and Pre-Registration (University) Education Panel
  • Released: 05-05-2022
  • Vivienne Tippett, Andy Bell, Dr Jason Bendall, Sandy MacQuarrie & Buck Reed

This panel addresses a range of issues related to pre-registration university education in trauma.

  • 37 minutes
Management of the fourth stage of labour
  • Released: 29-04-2022
  • Shonel Hall

This session explores how to manage the mother and neonate after birth of the baby

  • 65 minutes

This presentation will cover areas of convergence between the 2 domains, as well as knowledge and skills transfer that are shaping the remote and austere emergency services response into 2022

  • 25 minutes

This presentation will discuss how we can equip the profession to use evidence-based systems to optimise trauma care, no matter the experience of the practitioner.

  • 32 minutes

How prehospital care of patients in both NSW and QLD can impact their care into the health system on the Gold Coast

  • 25 minutes

Drawing on his experience with the ambulance service in Vanuatu, Casey will utilise a major incident case study to explore opportunities and challenges present at the intersection of paramedicine and aid and development.

  • 30 minutes

McQuilty Quirke has inspired many people with his courage, determination and positive mindset after battling post-traumatic stress from Iraq and the physical injuries he sustained after being wounded in action in Afghanistan. He was a leader, a company medic, a soldier, and his life was in the hands of his mates.

  • 65 minutes

Paula will share her career experiences as a female paramedic, her progression to become an intensive care paramedic, as the third female to successful pass the SCAT (Special Casualty Access Team) course in NSW and work on the rescue helicopter as a critical care paramedic.

  • 35 minutes

This talk will cover some of the most recent evidence surrounding our past current and future trauma care in an interactive setting.

  • 18 minutes