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National Conference 2016: The journey together as the 12 allied health professions in relation to public health.
National Conference 2016: What adrenal insufficiency is, why it is so important to improve care and bridging the gap in knowledge?
National Conference 2016: Overview of NIAS, explains changes within the service, partnership working and collaborations.
National Conference 2016: Research into major trauma within the North East region.
Presented by Associate Professor Bill Lord Bill Lord is the Associate Professor and Discipline Le...
Chief Inspector Brian Parsell ASM, Fellow ANZCP Chief Inspector Brian Parsell is an operational...
Presented by Matt Avery Intensive Care Clinical Educator – Intensive / Extended Care Paramedic Spec...
Presented by A/Professor Naren Gunja FACEM FACMT Clinical and Forensic Toxicologist, Discipline of...
Presented by Paul Burke and Dr John Maloney Paul Burke is Clinical Practice Development Specialist...
Topics included are as follows: Ambulance Response to Cyclone Pam in Vanuat...