All recordings are free for members

The College provides members with hundreds of free recordings to assist you with professional development. You can filter and search for recordings of interest, plus “like” recordings so you can find them easily in the future.

All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

Non-members can view a small selection of recordings for free (try before you buy), view all other recordings at a cost, or simply join to access all the content for free. Learn about Membership here.

Presented by Lisa McLeod at STUCON19 NSW.

  • 29 minutes

Dan discusses the concepts of pre-hospital haemostatic trauma resuscitation and potential targets for therapy.

  • 31 minutes
Infection Control - COVID-19
  • Released: 02-04-2020
  • Ambulance Victoria

Ambulance Victoria has produced a series of instructional infection control videos for its staff. Video topics include hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), fitting a mask and vehicle cleaning and decontamination.

  • 20 minutes

A presentation on burns first aid, epidemiology, pathophysiology and patient disposition.

  • 71 minutes

Welcome to Managing Patients with Complex Trauma

  • 75 minutes

Australasian Council of Paramedicine Deans – representation of the Australasian paramedicine higher education sector

  • 9 minutes
PAIC 2019: The Australian Experience
  • Released: 29-11-2019
  • Ethan Dooley

Masterclass: Substance use at festivals in Australia

  • 18 minutes
PAIC 2019: The New Zealand Experience
  • Released: 29-11-2019
  • Mitch Mullooly

Masterclass: Substance use at festivals in New Zealand

  • 23 minutes
PAIC 2019: Pill Testing
  • Released: 29-11-2019
  • David Caldicott

Masterclass: Substance use at festival and how to test pills as a health care professional

  • 22 minutes
PAIC 2019: Challenges in the austere environment
  • Released: 29-11-2019
  • Michael Stuth

Sharing an extraordinary experience and challenges faced in the austere environment.

  • 13 minutes