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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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Demonstrating the importance of recognising Anaphylaxis as a resuscitative emergency..

  • 19 minutes
HEMS Dispatch
  • Released: 19-05-2017
  • Georgette Eaton MCPara

A systematic review

  • 14 minutes
Paramedic Delivered RSI in the UK: Why Not?
  • Released: 19-05-2017
  • Craig Ellis

Looks at the New Zealand system of paramedic initiated and paramedic delivered rapid sequence intubation.

  • 31 minutes
Trauma Systems of Care
  • Released: 07-04-2017

Presented by Dr Ailene Fitzgerald Presentation Synopsis: Traumatic injury remains the leading ca...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Rohan Kilham Presentation Synopsis: The Alpine Operations team is a small team of h...

  • 45 minutes

Presented by Dr Tim McDonald Presentation synopsis: Acute respiratory illnesses are the major re...

  • 45 minutes

Presented by Patrick Meere Presentation synopsis: Another ambulance callout to a drunken fall on...

  • 20 minutes
Roadside Toxicology
  • Released: 07-04-2017

Presented by Associate Professor David Caldicott Bio: Associate Professor David Caldicott is an...

  • 50 minutes
The greatest threat to life
  • Released: 07-04-2017

Presented by Dr Simon Robertson Presentation Synopsis: Airway management in retrieval work obvio...

  • 30 minutes

Presented by Toby Keene Presentation Synopsis: Trauma patients need a tube. Right? Or do they? I...

  • 25 minutes