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All the recordings are designed to help you meet the requirements of paramedic registration, so they automatically include self reflection, and when completed they are added to your learning record in the CPD Tracker.

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This presentation will review anatomy, classification of injury patterns and offer approaches for novice to advanced out-of-hospital clinicians

  • 19 minutes
Challenges in sedation management
  • Released: 05-04-2022
  • Jason Bendall

This session will revolve around the use of various chemical sedative agents and compare their use against a variety of clinical settings

  • 80 minutes
Family violence – recognise, respond, refer
  • Released: 01-04-2022
  • Celine Donovan

This informative session will support paramedics to develop a family violence lens to recognise family violence, and to respond safely and effectively to improve outcomes for those at risk.

  • 60 minutes
Mentoring and providing feedback to novice paramedic clinicians
  • Released: 28-03-2022
  • Dr Scott Devenish, Jeremy Taylor & Lisa Hobbs

This session explores concepts surrounding mentoring and the provision of feedback to novice clinicians in the paramedic environment

  • 87 minutes
Prolonged field care in remote environments
  • Released: 23-03-2022
  • Nicole Foster

How to deal with the tyranny of distance – Prolonged Casualty Care in Australia

  • 75 minutes

This interactive workshop for paramedics across Australia will use a case study format to explore some of the legal issues that can arise in practice for paramedics, and the role law plays in end of life care.

  • 68 minutes

This presentation is a case study of a relatively rare incidence of a shark encounter, with a focus on the prehospital management and aeromedical retrieval of the patient

  • 17 minutes

Is there a better way, is there a more patient centric option?

  • 16 minutes
ACPIC 2021: Panel Discussion: Health System Pressures
  • Released: 07-03-2022
  • Vivienne Tippett, Matt Langley & Sonia Martin

Health System Pressures

  • 30 minutes

The sickening, emotionally numbing feeling when a paramedic realises that have been dispatched to their own home.

  • 22 minutes