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Presented by Professor Roy Kimble at ANZCP Conference 2014
Future in Paramedic Practice Symposium. David discusses where paramedicine is heading and what types of tools will be used to support patients in the future.
Presented by Captain Charles Wetzel at ANZCP Conference 2014
Presented by Shaun White at ANZCP Conference 2014
Presented by Dr Sharon McAuley at ANZCP Conference 2014
Presented by Dr Carl Lisec at ANZCP Conference 2014
Presented by Dr Ingrid van Beek AM, Tony Jackson and Dr Karen Chronister. Dr Marianne Jauncey, Medi...
Presented by Jane Whitten Jane is a RN, qualified Midwife and holds a Grad Dip in Aviation Nursin...
Presented by Janelle White Paramedic Specialist with NSW Ambulance Senior Lecturer UTAS This pr...