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Emergency Services Show 2017. How we make decisions on the assessment and management of trauma.
Presented by Dr Sean Keogh Geography dictates that large-scale natural disasters commonly occur in...
Presented by Professor Michael Reade In April 2016, ANZCOR published its first guideline on the man...
Presented by Toby St. Clair A review of the pathophysiology and anatomy involved in severe chest in...
Presented by Dr Dan Bodnar Dan will discuss where we have been, current pre-hospital practice, curr...
Presented by Dr Ken Wishaw Mild hypothermia in trauma is associated with significantly increased mo...
Discussion about a range of emergent problems that may be encountered in relation to pre-hospital trauma.
Coping with trauma: examining experiences of attending traumatic incidents and post-incident support.
Presented by Dr Ailene Fitzgerald Presentation Synopsis: Traumatic injury remains the leading ca...
Presented by Rohan Kilham Presentation Synopsis: The Alpine Operations team is a small team of h...