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Graham McClelland talks about North East Ambulance Service's Cardiac Arrest Response Unit research project.
National Conference 2018. Ben shows us the preliminary results of a study on CPR-Induced Consciousness.
National Conference 2018. Comparison of manual and mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the move using a manikin: a service evaluation.
London/SE Coast Christmas CPD Day 2017. Looking at the background and Statistics of Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, the guidelines and why we should treat this group of patients differently.
National Conference 2018.: A Framework for Safe and Effective Intubation by Paramedics.
South West Day Conference Birth Imminent: Prepare to Care. Dr Madar looks at the approach taken for New born resuscitation.
East of England Clinical Conference 2018. This session will look at cardiac care with a focus on Cardiac Arrest. This video also contains a demonstration by the Pit Crew.
National Conference 2019. A Retrospective Validation
ACPIC20 - Zainab discusses the findings of the impact of temporal changes in the epidemiology and management of traumatic OHCA on survival outcomes, using data from the Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry
ACPIC20 - Comparison of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurring in schools and other public locations: a 12 year retrospective study