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PA International Conference 2018: Paramedic delivered fibrinolysis in the treatment of STEMI: Comparison of a physician authorised versus autonomous paramedic approach

  • 24 minutes

This presentation will cover everything from the introduction to MICA paramedics into Victoria, to ECG interpretation in the presence of various artefact.

  • 107 minutes
Chest Injuries - Wilderness Workshop
  • Released: 30-08-2018
  • Shaun Whitmore

RescueMED presents Chest Injuries (Wilderness) as part of the Wilderness Medicine Workshop in Victortia

  • 30 minutes
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest (London)
  • Released: 19-12-2017
  • Jonathan Harvey MCPara

London/SE Coast Christmas CPD Day 2017. Looking at the background and Statistics of Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, the guidelines and why we should treat this group of patients differently.

  • 30 minutes
Paediatric Cardiac Arrest: Time to stay on scene?
  • Released: 19-09-2017
  • Will Broughton MCPara

Emergency Services Show 2017. Discussion on knowing when to leave a child at home and when to take them to hospital.

  • 28 minutes

Presented by Dr Ziad Nehme Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is the ultimate prehospital emerge...

  • 35 minutes

Presented by Professor Michael Reade In April 2016, ANZCOR published its first guideline on the man...

  • 25 minutes

How the South West Ambulance Service Clinical Quality Improvement Team deploy clinical leaders to help support clinicians who are dealing with an out of hospital cardiac arrest and how this improves quality.

  • 19 minutes

Clinical Masters research titled 'Can Paramedics Perform and Evaluate a Focused Echocardiogram During a Simulated 10 second Pulse Check after a one day training course'.

  • 12 minutes

Tim Edwards talks about the methods and results of this important study.

  • 15 minutes